In the park, Bert overhears the sound of a tuba - his favorite instrument.Ernie Says: Plant a silly surprise garden.Move and Groove: Grover dances to the Groverelli.Bert isn't paying attention and thinks that Ernie is making the animal sounds even though he promised not to. Eventually, Ernie decides to agree to stop playing the game and leaves, but then a lion comes in and roars. Bert just wants to read his book and keeps guessing correctly by accident. Ernie makes a few animal sounds and wants Bert to guess what sounds he is making.Play With Me: The cast say "play with me" while the viewers say "sesame" with their bodies.He shows the box empty first, then pulls the curtain again, revealing Elmo and Zoe, making it full. Telly gives a demonstration of "full" and "empty" with a crate with a sliding curtain on it.Play with Me, Play with Me: Stop and Go.When she discovers that they have moved to Florida, she counts the tree's new residents. Countilocks walks through the forest with the intention of counting her friends, The Three Bears. The Count's Storybook Theatre: The Count reads the story of "Countilocks and the Twenty Rabbits" starring himself as Countilocks.Computer Game: Perfect Pair (Shoes- Brown with white laces, Orange watershoe and pink bunny slippers) (First: Episode 211)."We Call Them All Important" (First: Episode 2702).Play With Me: Prairie Dawn suggests that the viewer make laughter when the cast says "play with me".However, Monty cannot decide where the chair should go. Monty orders a new chair, which Grover delivers.Ernie Says: Imaginary Baseball (First: Episode 210).

(Ernie's portion edited out) (First: Episode 211) Move and Groove: Grover asks the viewer to march around while Bert sings "I Love A March".Finally, they decide to paint a purple monster eating a bowl of oatmeal. Bert wants to paint a bowl of oatmeal, but Ernie wants to paint a purple monster. Ernie and Bert decide to use both Bert's canvas and Ernie's paints to paint a picture of something.What I Like: The cast talks about the color of their hair (or in Grover's case, his fur).Meanwhile Cookie Monster describes the same telephone and adds that it is delicious.

Kermit describes a black rotary dial telephone that is skinny in the middle, has a round base, and a big circle with a lot of little circles, and has cords at the back.Play With Me, Play With Me: Fast and Slow (First: Episode 209).However when she asks if this is true, she finds that talking to Goldilocks is like talking to a brick wall.